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Mosque as a Result of Cultural Syncretism, "Masjid ANGKE"

At first glance the building of this mosque resembles a Chinese pagoda-style architecture. Yes .... indeed many buildings spread across the Indonesian archipelago is not a native style. Distinctive entrances and roof structure of the layered two,and the roof ending as well as the temple architectural style of China. But the interior of the four great pillars such as the Tower of the Demak Mosque in Mataram (Java Islamic culture). The chancel embedded in the walls and windows elliptical grille without carvings, describes the style of Banten.

At first glance the building of this mosque resembles a Ch
Although several generations have passed, but still remain strong. Actual name of this mosque of Al-Anwar, but better known as the mosque Angke, because it is located at Jalan Tubagus Angke. Erect and graceful mosque was, was established on 2 April 1751 AD or 26th of Sha'ban 1174 Hijri. So the age of the mosque is now almost 2.5 centuries.
You can also find other side of the uniqueness on the Muslim Chinese community.
Click the link below :
Mosque and Pagoda: The Muslim Chinese


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